What is HTML Encryption?
HTML Encryption means you can convert your web page contents to a non-easily understandable format. This may protect your code from being stolen by others upto great extent. The one limitation of it is that your page will be seen on JavaScript enabled browsers only.
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theform.ecode.value = codetocopy;
theform.sac.disabled = false;
return false;
function encrypt(tx) {
var hex = "";
var i;
for (i = 0; i < tx.length; i++) {
hex += "%" + hexfromdec(tx.charCodeAt(i));
return hex;
function hexfromdec(num) {
if (num > 65535) {
return "err!";
first = Math.round(num / 4096 - 0.5);
temp1 = num - first * 4096;
second = Math.round(temp1 / 256 - 0.5);
temp2 = temp1 - second * 256;
third = Math.round(temp2 / 16 - 0.5);
fourth = temp2 - third * 16;
return "" + getletter(third) + getletter(fourth);
function getletter(num) {
if (num < 10) {
return num;
} else {
if (num == 10) {
return "A";
if (num == 11) {
return "B";
if (num == 12) {
return "C";
if (num == 13) {
return "D";
if (num == 14) {
return "E";
if (num == 15) {
return "F";